Assessment Policy

NLSchools Assessment, Evaluation and Reporting Policy Guidelines link: Updated Assessment Policy 

Appendix A

IRH School Wide Intervention Plan

1. Contact with the parents/guardians (Teacher, Guidance or Administrator Initiated). Types of contact include, but are not limited to: Phone call, email, Parent/Student portal of PowerSchool, Google Classroom, etc.

2. Teacher/Student Conference (Teacher Initiated). Determine any supports which may be required for future success. Discussion around academic priorities, goal setting, time management, work habits and study skills. A student contract could be used at a teacher’s discretion.

3. Tutoring (Teacher Initiated or Teacher Supervised, Peer Tutoring, Tutoring for Tuition, Tutoring Work Experience Program). To ensure equal access for students, exploration of tutoring within/outside of the instructional day is encouraged.

4. Course Rescue/Credit Recovery (Grades 10-12 only) (Teacher, Guidance or Administrator Initiated). A  plan will be developed with the school staff, parents/guardians and student. The plan will address the individual needs/circumstances of the student and may include extension of deadlines, extra teaching support and supplemental assignments.

5. At-Risk Student Meeting (Teacher, Administrator or Guidance Initiated). The student’s academic achievement to date in all courses/programs is reviewed by the school team to determine next steps and if changes to the student’s program are required. Teachers, administration and guidance meet in teams (grade level, divisionally, department, etc.) to discuss all academically at-risk students and to develop appropriate student intervention plans.

6. Review of Program (Teacher, Administrator or Guidance Initiated). The student’s program is reviewed to determine appropriate placement. This may involve the initiation of the pre-referral/IEP process as well as a review of  academic records and psycho-educational assessment results.

7. Students with an Individual Education Plan (IEP) (School Team including Administration). If the student has an IEP, it will be determined if the current assessment is appropriate and whether an alternate assessment is required.

Appendix B

Indian River High Vacation During School in Session Policy

Indian River High acknowledges that a family or individual students may choose to go on an “extended” vacation (one week or longer) during the school year, while regular classes are in session. Indian River High recognizes that regular attendance is necessary for success at school and that students who attend school on a regular basis generally achieve greater results. Accordingly, while we acknowledge the value of family time together, the faculty and administration would recommend that families and/or individual students who plan to take an extended vacation do so while school is not in session. The Newfoundland and Labrador English School District approves its school calendar before the end of June for the following year and this calendar should be consulted before planning an extended vacation.

Should a student of Indian River High be away from school for vacation while school is in session, the following policy applies:

1. Since each school in our province is responsible for knowing the whereabouts of their students while school is in session, it is the responsibility of the the student’s parent/guardian to inform the school of the dates that their child will be away from school on vacation. While a parent/guardian may wish to supply their own consent note, he/she is responsible for completing  and signing the  “Parent/Guardian Consent - Vacation During School in Session” form at least one week prior to the student departing for vacation.

2. Should a student be away on vacation and the “Parent/Guardian Consent - Vacation During School in Session” form has not been submitted to the school office, the student will be recorded as “Absent - Unexcused”.

3. When a student is away on “extended vacation” while the school is in session, the student will be marked as “Absent - Excused”, with a notation that the student has parent/guardian consent to be away from school with the appropriate “Parent/Guardian Consent - Vacation During School in Session” form being completed and submitted to the office.

4. Prior to the student’s departure, there is no requirement nor expectation that a teacher will provide the work which will be covered  in a course during the student’s absence.

5. Upon return from vacation, there is no requirement nor expectation that the teacher will provide extra “catch up” instruction (ie. one-on-one tutoring instruction) to students, beyond regular course instruction. It is solely the student’s responsibility to catch up on material missed while school was in session..

Indian River High School

Parent/Guardian Consent - Vacation During School in Session

(To be completed and returned to the General Office of Indian River High at least one week prior to departure for vacation.)

I acknowledge that _________________________________ will be away from school on

(please print name of student)

vacation from ___________________________  to ______________________________

first school date to be missed date of return to school

while regular school instruction is in progress.

I have read, understand, and agree to comply with Indian River High’s Parent/Guardian Consent - Vacation During School in Session” policy.

Name of Parent/Guardian: ___________________________________________________

(please print name of parent/guardian)

Contact Telephone Number for Parent/Guardian: _________________________________

Contact Email Address for Parent/Guardian: ______________________________________

Signature of Parent/Guardian: _________________________________________________

Date: ______________________________________________________________________

*** For Office Use Only Below***

Received at Indian River High by: ________________________________________________

Name of IRH School Official

Date Received: _______________________________________________________________

A copy of this form will be placed in the student’s cumulative file.